Tax Policy & Advocacy update
Robyn Jacobson, CTA, The Tax Institute
Session 7: Hot topics Round-up – ESG, UPEs and Corporate Tax Residency
This 1.5-hour session will discuss all of the latest topics practitioners need to be on top of in practice.
Unlocking value via ESG
Louise Horrocks, McCullough Robertson
Division 7A and UPEs – the current state of play
Dominic Moon, ATI, Macpherson Kelley
Corporate Tax Residency
Anna Berryman, BDO
Session 8: 99B and the Temple of Doom
Kaitilin Lowdon, ATI, Arnold Bloch Leibler, Jonathan Ortner, FTI, Arnold Bloch Leibler
Session 9: International tax – Singapore (family office)
Michelle Hartman, CTA, PwC, Benjamin Tan, PwC Singapore
Session 10: Transfer pricing and thin capitalisation – not just the big end of town
Natalya Marenina, BDO
Session 11: International aspects of ATO reviews – uncovering international tax matters arising from ATO reviews – everything’s not always about Division 7A
Facilitator: Neil Brydges, CTA, Sladen Legal
Panelists: Michelle Hartman, CTA, PwC, Kaitilin Lowdon, ATI, Arnold Bloch Leibler, Karen Price, Australian Taxation Office